Northern Temperate Grasslands

northern temperate grasslands
Northern temperate grasslands in Mexico. Photo: Ken Lund.

Northern Temperate Grasslands

The northern temperate grasslands occupy large areas of northern and central Mexico at elevations of about 1,100  to 2,300 meters. Floristic composition varies with elevation and location. Unfortunately, the northern temperate grasslands have been heavily impacted by overgrazing and excessive fire. Large areas of grasslands that once occurred along the rivers and streams of Sonora, Mexico, below 1,000 meters were essentially destroyed by the year 1940 and now are considered desert scrub.

northern temperate grasslands
Disturbed northern temperate grasslands in Mexico.

See more Neotropical bird habitats.


  • Neotropical Birds: Ecology and Conservation. Stotz Douglas F., Fitzpatrick John W., Parker Theodore A. III, and Moskovits Debra K. University of Chicago Press, 1996.