Urban Habitats

urban habitats
Apartment building and urban park in the city of Lima- Peru.

Urban Habitats

Urban habitats are composed of a mixture of trees, bushes, grasses, and bare ground interspersed with human created elements such as buildings, houses, cables, and utility posts among others. This combination of elements is found in cities and towns. Birds adapted to urban habitats use the portion of urban habitats that structurally resembles their non-urban habitats. For instance buildings are used by birds that otherwise would use cliffs for perching and nesting. Parks with forested and semi-open areas are used by birds that favor this habitat type outside urban habitats.

Birds using urban habitats differ from their non-urban counterparts in being tolerant of noise, pollution, electric light, traffic, and other human activities. They have also adapted to find nesting sites in human created structures and food resulting from human activities.

city habitat
City street showing grassy areas, trees, and bare areas.


birds in human habitat
Hummingbird nesting nesting in utility wires under a city bridge.


urban habitat park
City park that resembles a semi-open woodland and grassy lawns.

See more Neotropical bird habitats.