Backyard Birds

Why Are These 10 Foods Unsafe For Wild Birds?

As more and more people feed birds in their backyards, the chances of feeding them the wrong food types increase. There are many articles on the internet about what food should not be offered to birds. Much of this information is repeated across articles and refers to cage or pet birds, not wild backyard birds. […]

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it ok to feed birds rice
Backyard Birds

It Is Just Fine To Feed Birds Uncooked Rice

Can birds eat uncooked rice? Many people wonder whether they should feed birds cooked or uncooked rice or avoid throwing rice at their wedding for the sake of birds’ sensitive stomachs. Here you will find all you need to know about this question. Facts concerning the swelling of uncooked rice in birds’ stomachs For rice

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food for backyard birds
Backyard Birds

The 14 Most Popular Foods for Backyard Birds (with Pictures and Facts)

In this post, I list the 14 most popular food types for backyard birds. The list is arranged from the most to the least popular food type based on 98 bird species that regularly visit backyard feeders in North America. Preference for specific food types was obtained from reports by thousands of bird enthusiasts who
